PostgreSQL 9.4.4 文档 | |||
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本节描述那些可能返回多于一行的函数。目前这个类中被使用最广泛的是级数生成函数, 如Table 9-54和Table 9-55所述。其他更特殊的集合返回函数在本手册的其他地方描述。 组合多集合返回函数的方法可见Section。
Table 9-54. 级数生成函数
函数 | 参数类型 | 返回类型 | 描述 |
generate_series(start, stop) | int或bigint | setof int或setof bigint(与参数类型相同) | 产生一系列值,从start到stop,步长为 1 |
generate_series(start, stop, step) | int或bigint | setof int或setof bigint(和参数类型相同) | 产生一系列值,从start到stop,步长为step |
generate_series(start, stop, step interval) | timestamp或timestamp with time zone | setof timestamp或setof timestamp with time zone(和参数类型相同) | 产生一系列值,从start到stop,步长为step |
SELECT * FROM generate_series(2,4); generate_series ----------------- 2 3 4 (3 rows) SELECT * FROM generate_series(5,1,-2); generate_series ----------------- 5 3 1 (3 rows) SELECT * FROM generate_series(4,3); generate_series ----------------- (0 rows) -- 这个例子依赖于日期+整数操作符 SELECT current_date + s.a AS dates FROM generate_series(0,14,7) AS s(a); dates ------------ 2004-02-05 2004-02-12 2004-02-19 (3 rows) SELECT * FROM generate_series('2008-03-01 00:00'::timestamp, '2008-03-04 12:00', '10 hours'); generate_series --------------------- 2008-03-01 00:00:00 2008-03-01 10:00:00 2008-03-01 20:00:00 2008-03-02 06:00:00 2008-03-02 16:00:00 2008-03-03 02:00:00 2008-03-03 12:00:00 2008-03-03 22:00:00 2008-03-04 08:00:00 (9 rows)
Table 9-55. 下标生成函数
函数 | 返回类型 | 描述 |
generate_subscripts(array anyarray, dim int) | setof int | 生成一个级数组成给定数组的下标。 |
generate_subscripts(array anyarray, dim int, reverse boolean) | setof int | 生成一个级数组成给定数组的下标。当reverse为真,级数以逆序返回。 |
是一个快捷函数,它为给定数组的指定维度生成一组合法的下标。对于不具有请求维度的数组返回零行,对于 NULL 数组也返回零行(但是会对 NULL 数组元素返回合法的下标)。下面是一些例子:
-- 基本使用 SELECT generate_subscripts('{NULL,1,NULL,2}'::int[], 1) AS s; s --- 1 2 3 4 (4 rows) -- 表示一个数组,下标和被下标的值需要一个子查询 SELECT * FROM arrays; a -------------------- {-1,-2} {100,200,300} (2 rows) SELECT a AS array, s AS subscript, a[s] AS value FROM (SELECT generate_subscripts(a, 1) AS s, a FROM arrays) foo; array | subscript | value ---------------+-----------+------- {-1,-2} | 1 | -1 {-1,-2} | 2 | -2 {100,200,300} | 1 | 100 {100,200,300} | 2 | 200 {100,200,300} | 3 | 300 (5 rows) -- 平面化一个 2D 数组 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unnest2(anyarray) RETURNS SETOF anyelement AS $$ select $1[i][j] from generate_subscripts($1,1) g1(i), generate_subscripts($1,2) g2(j); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE; CREATE FUNCTION SELECT * FROM unnest2(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]); unnest2 --------- 1 2 3 4 (4 rows)
When a function in the FROM clause is suffixed
by WITH ORDINALITY, a bigint column is
appended to the output which starts from 1 and increments by 1 for each row
of the function's output. This is most useful in the case of set returning
functions such as unnest()
-- set returning function WITH ORDINALITY SELECT * FROM pg_ls_dir('.') WITH ORDINALITY AS t(ls,n); ls | n -----------------+---- pg_serial | 1 pg_twophase | 2 postmaster.opts | 3 pg_notify | 4 postgresql.conf | 5 pg_tblspc | 6 logfile | 7 base | 8 | 9 pg_ident.conf | 10 global | 11 pg_clog | 12 pg_snapshots | 13 pg_multixact | 14 PG_VERSION | 15 pg_xlog | 16 pg_hba.conf | 17 pg_stat_tmp | 18 pg_subtrans | 19 (19 rows)